Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday JOY

Good morning everyone!
I hope that everyone has had a fabulous weekend, I know I have. Today my family and I attended a new church in Tampa. The speaker, Pastor John spoke on Joy. I knew that this message was for me. As I have been emotionally stabilizing and maturing as a young women, I believe this word was the missing piece in my recent journey. I have always been a really happy person and even though that is something  I have found again happiness and Joy are different. Joy comes from a source, the one who holds your heart. That person for me is Jesus Christ. He is the source of my joy. Life is crazy and sometimes you can't always control everything but you can figure out ways to keep and find Joy. Pastor John shared with us 6 ways to find Joy.

1. Get back to the source of Joy
Rediscover who gives you joy and who and what you live for. This will allow you to centralize your life and remain unmoved when you go through the trials and tribulations of this world. Never for get who is your source.
2. Embrace your unique design
It is hard to be joyful when you dislike who you are. God made everyone different, he made everyone for a reason. It is hard to radiate joy when you don't feel joy inside. How could you insult God and tell him his creation is not good enough? Accept who you are and be joyful in that.
3. Get on back up!
Stop swatting at your past and embrace your future. Don't allow the things that have broken you down keep you down. Get your joy back! Don't allow people to keep you down either. Stay away from vampires. Vampires are people that suck the life out of you with their negativity and doubt. Cut those people out of your life. Sometimes those vampires are family or people you are forced to be around. When it comes to those people learn to show them grace because you too are a vampire. There are people in your life who may feel you suck the life out of them in different ways, so show grace and patience to the people who do it to you. After dealing with those people, because you must, do something that gives you joy. Call a friend who gives you encouragement. Allow those people who to help you becomes full again after being drained.
4. Laugh often
Never take yourself or life too seriously. Learn to laugh at your self and bring humor to all aspects of your life. 
5. Develop life-giving relationships
Bring people in your life that bring joy. Everyone needs friends. If Jesus had friends you need friends. Surround yourself with people that encourage you and make you better. Always remember though, people don't want to be friends with people who aren't friendly. Radiate positivity and befriend those who are in need of friends. Open your circle and share God's light because Joy is community. 
6. Focus on others more than yourself and keep a humble heart
Keep a low position. Never get too high that you look down on others. Remember that Jesus came from his high place to this low place for US. He put us before his flesh and died for people who spit in his face. If God can, we should live with his very heart. You are his child but remember you are adopted  He choose YOU. Give yourself away from the same heart as Jesus Christ. 

I hope that you all enjoyed the word as much as I did! Let Joy overflow from your heart! 

XO Kayla Monae

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